發(fā)布日期:2022-02-11 08:59 | 文章來源:站長之家
import turtle as t import math t.pensize(3) t.tracer(10) t.hideturtle() start_x = -200 for y in range(-150,150,5): t.penup() t.goto(start_x,y) t.pendown() for x in range(-200,200,1): if ((y-50*(math.cos(0.05*x)) <= 80) and (y-50*(math.cos(0.05*x)) >= 60)): t.pencolor('yellow') elif ((y-50*(math.cos(0.05*x)) <= 40) and (y-50*(math.cos(0.05*x)) >= -20)): t.pencolor('blue') elif ((y-50*(math.cos(0.05*x)) <= -20) and (y-50*(math.cos(0.05*x)) >= -80)): t.pencolor('red') elif ((y-50*(math.cos(0.05*x)) <= -60) and (y-50*(math.cos(0.05)) <= -80)): t.pencolor('green') else: t.pencolor('black') t.setx(x) t.update() t.done()
import turtle as t t.speed(0) t.tracer(20) t.hideturtle() t.colormode(255) angle = 90 for x in range(255,0,-5): for n in range(360//angle): t.pencolor((x,255,255)) t.fillcolor((25,x,255)) t.begin_fill() for i in range(2): t.forward(x) t.right(angle) t.forward(x) t.right(180-angle) t.end_fill() t.right(angle) t.update() t.done()
import turtle as t t.speed(0) t.tracer(20) t.colormode(255) angle = 60 angle2 = 3 for x in range(255,0,-5): for n in range(360//angle): t.pencolor((x,255,255)) t.fillcolor((255,x,255)) t.begin_fill() for i in range(2): t.forward(x) t.right(angle) t.forward(x) t.right(180-angle) t.end_fill() t.right(angle) t.right(angle2) t.update() t.done()
from turtle import * colormode(255) tracer(5) a1=39 a2=1 for x in range(255,0,-5): pencolor(x,255,255) fillcolor(255,x,255) for y in range(360//a1): begin_fill() for z in range(2): fd(x) rt(a1) fd(x) rt(180-a1) end_fill() rt(a1) rt(a2) update() ht() done()
import turtle as t t.speed(0) t.hideturtle() t.penup() t.setx(-200) t.pendown() r = 20 i = 6 for x in range(10): if x % 2 == 0: t.fillcolor("skyblue") t.begin_fill() t.circle(r) t.end_fill() add = 0 else: t.fillcolor("green") t.begin_fill() for n in range(4): t.forward(r*2) t.left(90) t.end_fill() add = r*2 t.penup() t.forward(r+i+add) t.pendown() t.done()
import turtle as t t.pensize(5) t.tracer(10) t.hideturtle() start_x = -200 for y in range(-150,150,20): t.penup() t.goto(start_x,y) t.pendown() for x in range(-200,200,1): if ((x < 100 and x > 0) and (y < 80 and y > 0)): t.pencolor('yellow') elif ((x < 100 and x > 0) and (y < 0 and y > -80)): t.pencolor('blue') elif ((x < 0 and x > -100) and (y < 80 and y > 0)): t.pencolor('red') elif ((x < 0 and x > -100) and (y < 0 and y > -80)): t.pencolor('orange') else: t.pencolor('green') t.setx(x) t.update() t.done()
import turtle as t t.pensize(5) t.tracer(10) t.hideturtle() start_x = -200 for y in range(-150,150,20): t.penup() t.goto(start_x,y) t.pendown() for x in range(-200,200,1): if ((y-x <= 40) and (y-x >= -40)): t.pencolor('yellow') elif ((y+x <= 40) and (y+x >= -40)): t.pencolor('blue') else: t.pencolor('green') t.setx(x) t.update() t.done()
import turtle as t t.speed(0) t.tracer(20) t.hideturtle() t.colormode(255) angle = 60 for x in range(255,0,-5): for n in range(360//angle): t.pencolor((x,255,255)) t.fillcolor((255,x,255)) t.begin_fill() for i in range(2): t.forward(x) t.right(angle) t.forward(x) t.right(180-angle) t.end_fill() t.right(angle) t.update() t.done()