發(fā)布日期:2022-02-06 15:42 | 文章來(lái)源:源碼中國(guó)
import random import json import time import os def zhuce(): print("*********************正在注冊(cè)*********************") try: users = readfile() except: fa = open(r'test.json', "w",encoding="utf-8") fa.write(json.dumps({"初始化": "初始化"})) fa.close() users = readfile() os.makedirs('用戶信息') b = 0 user_name = input("請(qǐng)輸入你的用戶名:") user_password = input("請(qǐng)輸入你的密碼:") for key in users.keys(): if user_name == key: print("用戶名已存在") b = 1 break if b == 0: writefile1(user_name) users[user_name] = user_password writefile1(user_name) writefile(users) return b def readfile(): f = open(r'test.json', "r+") f1 = json.load(f) f.close() return f1 def writefile(a): a = json.dumps(a) f = open(r'test.json', "w") f.write(a) f.close() def homepage(): print("*********************微博主頁(yè)*********************") a = input("1注冊(cè) 2登錄 3退出\n請(qǐng)輸入你的選擇:") return a def zhucetexiao(): print("注冊(cè)中,請(qǐng)稍后!") print("更新成功!") print("注冊(cè)成功!") print("默認(rèn)文章表創(chuàng)建完成!") def denglu(): b = 0 print("*********************正在登錄*********************") users = readfile() user_name = input("登錄用戶名:") user_password = input("登錄密碼:") for key in users.keys(): if user_name == key: print("用戶存在,判斷密碼") b = 2 if user_password == users[key]: print("登陸成功") b = 1 dengluxiaoguo(user_name) break if b == 0: print("登錄失敗") return b def dengluxiaoguo(user_name): while 0 == 0: a = input("1寫(xiě)文章 2讀取所有 3讀取一篇 4編輯一篇 5刪除一篇 6登出\n請(qǐng)輸入你的選擇:") users = article_read(user_name) if a == "1": print("*********************寫(xiě)一篇文章*********************") article_write(user_name) elif a == "2": duqusuoyou(user_name) elif a == "3": print("*********************讀一篇文章*********************") duquyipian(user_name) elif a == "4": print("*********************改一篇文章*********************") bianjiyipian(user_name) elif a == "5": print("*********************刪一篇文章*********************") shanchuyipian(user_name) elif a == "6": break def shanchuyipian(user_name): duqusuoyou(user_name) a = input("請(qǐng)輸入您要?jiǎng)h除的序號(hào)?") f = open(f'用戶信息\{user_name}.json', "r+") f1 = json.load(f) f.close() if len(f1) > 1: if int(a) > 0 and int(a) <= len(f1): f1.pop(a) for i in range(1, len(f1) + 2): if i > int(a): f1[str(i - 1)] = f1.pop(str(i)) f = open(f'用戶信息\{user_name}.json', "w") b = json.dumps(f1) f.write(b) f.close() else: print("未找到該序列") else: print("最后一篇文章拒絕刪除") duqusuoyou(user_name) def bianjiyipian(user_name): duqusuoyou(user_name) a = input("請(qǐng)輸入您要編輯的序號(hào)?") f = open(f'用戶信息\{user_name}.json', "r+") f1 = json.load(f) f.close() if int(a) > 0 and int(a) <= len(f1): article_name = input("文章名稱") article_content = input("文章內(nèi)容") f = open(f'用戶信息\{user_name}.json', "r+") f1 = json.load(f) f.close() f = open(f'用戶信息\{user_name}.json', "w") time1 = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) f1[a] = {"title": article_name, "time": time1, "author": user_name, "content": article_content} b = json.dumps(f1) f.write(b) f.close() else: print("未找到該序列") def duquyipian(user_name): duqusuoyou(user_name) a = input("請(qǐng)輸入您要查看的序號(hào)?") f = open(f'用戶信息\{user_name}.json', "r+") f1 = json.load(f) f.close() if int(a) > 0 and int(a) <= len(f1): print(f1[a]) else: print("未找到該序列") def duqusuoyou(user_name): print("*********************文章目錄*********************") f = open(f'用戶信息\{user_name}.json', "r+") f1 = json.load(f) f.close() for key in f1.keys(): print(f"{key} {f1[key]['title']} {f1[key]['time']}") def article_read(user_name): f = open(f'用戶信息\{user_name}.json', "r+") f1 = json.load(f) f.close() return f1 def article_write(user_name): f = open(f'用戶信息\{user_name}.json', "r+") f1 = json.load(f) f.close() key_count = len(f1) + 1 article_name = input("文章名稱:") article_content = input("文章內(nèi)容:") time1 = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) f = open(f'用戶信息\{user_name}.json', "w") # print(type(key_count)) f1[str(key_count)] = {"title": article_name, "time": time1, "author": user_name, "content": article_content} print(f1) b = json.dumps(f1) f.write(b) f.close() def readfile1(): f = open(r'test1.json', "r+") f1 = json.load(f) f.close() return f1 def writefile1(a): time1 = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) f = open(f'用戶信息\{a}.json', "w") b = {1: {"title": "初始化文章", "time": time1, "author": "0", "content": "0"}} print(b) b = json.dumps(b) f.write(b) f.close() while 0 == 0: h = homepage() if h == "1": if zhuce() == 0: zhucetexiao() elif h == "2": if denglu() == 1: pass else: exit()