程序員最實用的 SQL 語句收藏,看完這篇就夠了
文章沿著設計一個假想的應用 awesome_app 為主線,從零創(chuàng)建修改數(shù)據(jù)庫,表格,字段屬性,索引,字符集,默認值,自增,增刪改查,多表查詢,內(nèi)置函數(shù)等實用 SQL 語句。收藏此文,告別零散又低效地搜索經(jīng)常使用的 SQL 語句。所有 SQL 都在 MySQL 下通過驗證,可留著日后回顧參考,也可跟著動手一起做,如果未安裝 MySQL 可參考 《macOS 安裝 mysql》 (windows 安裝大同小異)。
1. 創(chuàng)建
1.1 創(chuàng)建數(shù)據(jù)庫
語法:create database db_name
示例:創(chuàng)建應用數(shù)據(jù)庫 awesome_app
create database `awesome_app`
1.2 創(chuàng)建表格
語法:create table table_name ( … columns )
示例:創(chuàng)建用戶表 users
create table `users` ( `id` int, `name` char(10), `avatar` varchar(300), `regtime` date )
1.3 創(chuàng)建索引
語法:create index index_name on table_name (column_name)
示例:為用戶 id 創(chuàng)建索引 idx_id
create index `idx_id` on `users` (`id`) /* 創(chuàng)建唯一索引 */ create unique index `idx_id` on `users` (`id`)
1.4 為已存在的列創(chuàng)建主鍵
更常用的方式是在創(chuàng)建表語句所有列定義的后面添加一行 primary key (column_name)。
語法:alter table table_name add primary key (column_name)
示例:將用戶 id 設為主鍵
alter table users add primary key (`id`)
1.5 為已存在的列創(chuàng)建自增約束
更常用的方式是在創(chuàng)建表語句中添加自增列 id int not null auto_increment。
alter table `users` modify `id` int not null auto_increment
2. 插入
- insert into table_name values (value1, value2, …)
- insert into table_name (column1, column2, …) values (value1, value2, …)
insert into `users` values (1, 'ken', 'http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/avatar1.jpg', curdate()) /* 指定列插入 */ insert into `users` (`name`, `avatar`) values ('bill', 'http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/avatar2.jpg')
3. 修改
3.1 修改數(shù)據(jù)記錄
- update table_name set column=new_value where condition
- update table_name set column1=new_value1,column2=new_value2,… wherecondition
update `users` set `regtime`=curdate() where `regtime` is null /* 一次修改多列 */ update `users` set `name`='steven',`avatar`='http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/steven.jpg' where `id`=1
3.2 修改數(shù)據(jù)庫字符集為 utf8
alter database `awesome_app` default character set utf8
3.3 修改表字符集為 utf8
alter table `users` convert to character set utf8
3.4 修改表字段字符集為 utf8
alter table `users` modify `name` char(10) character set utf8
3.5 修改字段類型
alter table `users` modify `regtime` datetime not null
3.5 修改字段默認值
alter table `users` alter `regtime` set default '2019-10-12 00:00:00' /* 設置默認為當前時間 current_timestamp,需要重新定義整個列 */ alter table `users` modify `regtime` datetime not null default current_timestamp
3.6 修改字段注釋
alter table `users` modify `id` int not null auto_increment comment '用戶ID'; alter table `users` modify `name` char(10) comment '用戶名'; alter table `users` modify `avatar` varchar(300) comment '用戶頭像'; alter table `users` modify `regtime` datetime not null default current_timestamp comment '注冊時間';
mysql> show full columns from users; +---------+--------------+-----------------+------+-----+-------------------+----------------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | Field | Type | Collation | Null | Key | Default | Extra | Privileges | Comment | +---------+--------------+-----------------+------+-----+-------------------+----------------+---------------------------------+--------------+ | id | int(11) | NULL | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | select,insert,update,references | 用戶ID | | name | char(10) | utf8_general_ci | YES | | NULL | | select,insert,update,references | 用戶名 | | avatar | varchar(300) | utf8_general_ci | YES | | NULL | | select,insert,update,references | 用戶頭像 | | regtime | datetime | NULL | NO | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | | select,insert,update,references | 注冊時間 | +---------+--------------+-----------------+------+-----+-------------------+----------------+---------------------------------+--------------+
4. 刪除
4.1 刪除數(shù)據(jù)記錄
語法:delete from table_name where condition
# 先增加一條用戶名為空的用戶 mysql> insert into `users` (`regtime`) values (curdate()); mysql> select * from users; +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+------------+ | id | name | avatar | regtime | +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+------------+ | 1 | steven | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/steven.jpg | 2019-10-12 | | 2 | bill | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/avatar2.jpg | 2019-10-12 | | 3 | NULL | NULL | 2019-10-12 | +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+------------+ # 刪除用戶名為空的行 mysql> delete from `users` where `name` is null; mysql> select * from users; +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+------------+ | id | name | avatar | regtime | +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+------------+ | 1 | steven | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/steven.jpg | 2019-10-12 | | 2 | bill | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/avatar2.jpg | 2019-10-12 | +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+------------+
4.2 刪除數(shù)據(jù)庫
drop database if exists `awesome_app`
4.3 刪除表
drop table if exists `users`
4.4 清空表中所有數(shù)據(jù)
這個操作相當于先 drop table 再 create table ,因此需要有 drop 權限。
truncate table `users`
4.5 刪除索引
drop index `idx_id` on `users`
5. 查詢
5.1 語法
SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT | DISTINCTROW ] [HIGH_PRIORITY] [STRAIGHT_JOIN] [SQL_SMALL_RESULT] [SQL_BIG_RESULT] [SQL_BUFFER_RESULT] [SQL_CACHE | SQL_NO_CACHE] [SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS] select_expr [, select_expr ...] [FROM table_references [PARTITION partition_list] [WHERE where_condition] [GROUP BY {col_name | expr | position} [ASC | DESC], ... [WITH ROLLUP]] [HAVING where_condition] [ORDER BY {col_name | expr | position} [ASC | DESC], ...] [LIMIT {[offset,] row_count | row_count OFFSET offset}] [PROCEDURE procedure_name(argument_list)] [INTO OUTFILE 'file_name' [CHARACTER SET charset_name] export_options | INTO DUMPFILE 'file_name' | INTO var_name [, var_name]] [FOR UPDATE | LOCK IN SHARE MODE]]
5.2 單表查詢
5.2.1 準備數(shù)據(jù):
insert into users (`name`, `avatar`) values ('張三', 'http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/3.jpg'), ('李四', 'http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/4.jpg'), ('王五', 'http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/5.jpg'), ('馬六', 'http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/6.jpg'), ('肖七', 'http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/7.jpg'), ('劉八', 'http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/8.jpg'), ('楊九', 'http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/9.jpg'), ('鄭十', 'http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/10.jpg'); /* 增加重復行 */ insert into users (`name`, `avatar`) values ('張三', 'http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/3.jpg'), ('李四', 'http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/4.jpg'), ('王五', 'http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/5.jpg');
5.2.2 查詢所有列
mysql> select * from users; +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ | id | name | avatar | regtime | +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ | 1 | steven | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/steven.jpg | 2019-10-12 00:00:00 | | 2 | bill | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/avatar2.jpg | 2019-10-12 00:00:00 | | 3 | 張三 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/3.jpg | 2019-10-13 10:58:37 | | 4 | 李四 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/4.jpg | 2019-10-13 10:58:37 | | 5 | 王五 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/5.jpg | 2019-10-13 10:58:37 | | 6 | 馬六 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/6.jpg | 2019-10-13 10:58:37 | | 7 | 肖七 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/7.jpg | 2019-10-13 10:58:37 | | 8 | 劉八 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/8.jpg | 2019-10-13 10:58:37 | | 9 | 楊九 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/9.jpg | 2019-10-13 10:58:37 | | 10 | 鄭十 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/10.jpg | 2019-10-13 10:58:37 | | 11 | 張三 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/3.jpg | 2019-10-13 11:20:17 | | 12 | 李四 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/4.jpg | 2019-10-13 11:20:17 | | 13 | 王五 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/5.jpg | 2019-10-13 11:20:17 | +----+--------+----------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
5.2.3 查詢指定列
mysql> select id,name from users; +----+--------+ | id | name | +----+--------+ | 1 | steven | | 2 | bill | | 3 | 張三 | | 4 | 李四 | | 5 | 王五 | | 6 | 馬六 | | 7 | 肖七 | | 8 | 劉八 | | 9 | 楊九 | | 10 | 鄭十 | | 11 | 張三 | | 12 | 李四 | | 13 | 王五 | +----+--------+
5.2.4 查詢不重復記錄
mysql> select distinct name,avatar from users; +--------+----------------------------------------------------+ | name | avatar | +--------+----------------------------------------------------+ | steven | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/steven.jpg | | bill | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/avatar2.jpg | | 張三 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/3.jpg | | 李四 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/4.jpg | | 王五 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/5.jpg | | 馬六 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/6.jpg | | 肖七 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/7.jpg | | 劉八 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/8.jpg | | 楊九 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/9.jpg | | 鄭十 | http://cdn.awesome_app.com/path/to/xxx/10.jpg | +--------+----------------------------------------------------+
5.2.5 限制查詢行數(shù)
mysql> select id,name from users limit 2; +----+--------+ | id | name | +----+--------+ | 1 | steven | | 2 | bill | +----+--------+
mysql> select id,name from users limit 2,3; +----+--------+ | id | name | +----+--------+ | 3 | 張三 | | 4 | 李四 | | 5 | 王五 | +----+--------+
5.2.6 排序
# 正序 mysql> select distinct name from users order by name asc limit 3; +--------+ | name | +--------+ | bill | | steven | | 劉八 | +--------+ # 倒序 mysql> select id,name from users order by id desc limit 3; +----+--------+ | id | name | +----+--------+ | 13 | 王五 | | 12 | 李四 | | 11 | 張三 | +----+--------+
5.2.7 分組
alter table `users` add `city` varchar(10) comment '用戶所在城市' after `name`; update `users` set `city`='舊金山' where `id`=1; update `users` set `city`='西雅圖' where `id`=2; update `users` set `city`='北京' where `id` in (3,5,7); update `users` set `city`='上海' where `id` in (4,6,8); update `users` set `city`='廣州' where `id` between 9 and 10; update `users` set `city`='深圳' where `id` between 11 and 13;
mysql> select city, count(name) as num_of_user from users group by city; +-----------+-------------+ | city | num_of_user | +-----------+-------------+ | 上海 | 3 | | 北京 | 3 | | 廣州 | 2 | | 舊金山 | 1 | | 深圳 | 3 | | 西雅圖 | 1 | +-----------+-------------+ mysql> select city, count(name) as num_of_user from users group by city having num_of_user=1; +-----------+-------------+ | city | num_of_user | +-----------+-------------+ | 舊金山 | 1 | | 西雅圖 | 1 | +-----------+-------------+ mysql> select city, count(name) as num_of_user from users group by city having num_of_user>2; +--------+-------------+ | city | num_of_user | +--------+-------------+ | 上海 | 3 | | 北京 | 3 | | 深圳 | 3 | +--------+-------------+
5.3 多表關聯(lián)查詢
5.3.1 準備數(shù)據(jù)
create table if not exists `orders` ( `id` int not null primary key auto_increment comment '訂單ID', `title` varchar(50) not null comment '訂單標題', `user_id` int not null comment '用戶ID', `cretime` timestamp not null default current_timestamp comment '創(chuàng)建時間' ); create table if not exists `groups` ( `id` int not null primary key auto_increment comment '用戶組ID', `title` varchar(50) not null comment '用戶組標題', `cretime` timestamp not null default current_timestamp comment '創(chuàng)建時間' ); alter table `users` add `group_id` int comment '用戶分組' after `city`; insert into `groups` (`title`) values ('大佬'), ('萌新'), ('菜雞'); insert into `orders` (`title`, `user_id`) values ('《大佬是怎樣煉成的?》', 3), ('《MySQL 從萌新到刪庫跑路》', 6), ('《菜雞踩坑記》', 9); update `users` set `group_id`=1 where `id` between 1 and 2; update `users` set `group_id`=2 where `id` in (4, 6, 8, 10, 12); update `users` set `group_id`=3 where `id` in (3, 5, 13);
5.3.2 join
mysql> select `users`.`name` as `user_name`, `orders`.`title` as `order_title` from `users`, `orders` where `orders`.`user_id`=`users`.`id`; +-----------+--------------------------------------+ | user_name | order_title | +-----------+--------------------------------------+ | 張三 | 《大佬是怎樣煉成的?》 | | 馬六 | 《MySQL 從萌新到刪庫跑路》 | | 楊九 | 《菜雞踩坑記》 | +-----------+--------------------------------------+
inner join
內(nèi)部連接。效果與 join 一樣 , 但用法不同,join 使用 where ,inner join 使用 on 。
mysql> select `users`.`name` as `user_name`, `orders`.`title` as `order_title` from `users` inner join `orders` on `orders`.`user_id`=`users`.`id`; +-----------+--------------------------------------+ | user_name | order_title | +-----------+--------------------------------------+ | 張三 | 《大佬是怎樣煉成的?》 | | 馬六 | 《MySQL 從萌新到刪庫跑路》 | | 楊九 | 《菜雞踩坑記》 | +-----------+--------------------------------------+
left join
左連接。返回左表所有行,即使右表中沒有匹配的行,不匹配的用 NULL 填充。
``` mysql> select `users`.`name` as `user_name`, `orders`.`title` as `order_title` from `users` left join `orders` on `orders`.`user_id`=`users`.`id`; +-----------+--------------------------------------+ | user_name | order_title | +-----------+--------------------------------------+ | 張三 | 《大佬是怎樣煉成的?》 | | 馬六 | 《MySQL 從萌新到刪庫跑路》 | | 楊九 | 《菜雞踩坑記》 | | steven | NULL | | bill | NULL | | 李四 | NULL | | 王五 | NULL | | 肖七 | NULL | | 劉八 | NULL | | 鄭十 | NULL | | 張三 | NULL | | 李四 | NULL | | 王五 | NULL | +-----------+--------------------------------------+ ``` **right join** 右連接。和 left join 正好相反,會返回**右表**所有行,即使**左表**中沒有匹配的行,不匹配的用 NULL 填充。 ```sql mysql> select `groups`.`title` as `group_title`, `users`.`name` as `user_name` from `groups` right join `users` on `users`.`group_id`=`groups`.`id`; +-------------+-----------+ | group_title | user_name | +-------------+-----------+ | 大佬 | steven | | 大佬 | bill | | 萌新 | 李四 | | 萌新 | 馬六 | | 萌新 | 劉八 | | 萌新 | 鄭十 | | 萌新 | 李四 | | 菜雞 | 張三 | | 菜雞 | 王五 | | 菜雞 | 王五 | | NULL | 肖七 | | NULL | 楊九 | | NULL | 張三 | +-------------+-----------+ ``` **5.3.3 union** union 用于合并兩個或多個查詢結果,合并的查詢結果必須具有相同數(shù)量的列,并且列擁有形似的數(shù)據(jù)類型,同時列的順序相同。 ```sql mysql> (select `id`, `title` from `groups`) union (select `id`, `title` from `orders`); +----+--------------------------------------+ | id | title | +----+--------------------------------------+ | 1 | 大佬 | | 2 | 萌新 | | 3 | 菜雞 | | 1 | 《大佬是怎樣煉成的?》 | | 2 | 《MySQL 從萌新到刪庫跑路》 | | 3 | 《菜雞踩坑記》 | +----+--------------------------------------+ ``` 6. 函數(shù) 6.1 語法 **select function**(*column*) **from** *table_name* 6.2 合計函數(shù)(Aggregate functions) 合計函數(shù)的操作面向一系列的值,并返回一個單一的值。通常與 group by 語句一起用。 函數(shù) 描述 avg(column) 返回某列的平均值 count(column) 返回某列的行數(shù)(不包括 NULL 值) count(*) 返回被選行數(shù) first(column) 返回在指定的域中第一個記錄的值 last(column) 返回在指定的域中最后一個記錄的值 max(column) 返回某列的最高值 min(column) 返回某列的最低值 sum(column) 返回某列的總和 6.3 標量函數(shù)(Scalar functions) 函數(shù) 描述 ucase(c) 轉(zhuǎn)換為大寫 lcase(c) 轉(zhuǎn)換為小寫 mid(c, start[, end]) 從文本提取字符 len(c) 返回文本長度 instr(c, char) 返回在文本中指定字符的數(shù)值位置 left(c, number_of_char) 返回文本的左側部分 right(c, number_of_char) 返回文本的右側部分 round(c, decimals) 對數(shù)值指定小數(shù)位數(shù)四舍五入 mod(x, y) 取余(求模) now() 返回當前的系統(tǒng)日期 format(c, format) 格式化顯示 datediff(d, date1, date2) 日期計算
以上就是程序員最實用的 SQL 語句收藏看完這篇就夠了的詳細內(nèi)容,更多關于程序員SQL 語句的資料請關注本站其它相關文章!